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A manufacturer and distributor of soya products, whole grain cereals, cookies and wholesome bread. A survey among consumers was done to audit consumer mind share, seek opportunities for brand extensions and new market space to secure brand growth and dominance.
A survey among consumers was done to determine potential and loyal buyers’ purchase preferences for interior, exterior and performance truck preferences.
A survey among existing and potential consumers was done to test their perception on the call to action elements currently employed in regional advertisement campaigns. Consumers’ satisfaction levels on their experience with the advertised brand promise were also tested.
A dishwashing liquid brand. Quantitative and qualitative research designs were employed to gather sound brand intelligence on consumers’ expectations, with an emphasis on packaging and label design.
Quantitative and qualitative research designs were employed as a new product development initiative to gather consumer preferences for contents, packaging and label design. Insights were used to extend existing hair and skin product lines.
Quantitative and qualitative research designs were employed to determine user attitudes by gender, consumption patterns, brand position in consumers’ mind space and analysis of previously executed advertising initiatives.
A quantitative research design was employed to: 1. measure consumers’ awareness on product attributes, determine consumer’s consumption patterns and perception of their water brand. 2. Understand what elementary and high school aged children are consuming as beverages primarily at school, at home, on the go, in social gatherings and as their ultimate beverage of choice.


A manufacturer and distributor of gas products oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, hydrogen and acetylene. Desk and Trade audit research designs were employed to gain insights on regional markets to develop an evidence-based business development strategy aimed at gaining market share within the Caribbean region.
Focus Groups and face-to-face intercept research designs were employed to gain insights into insecticide household consumption habits and corresponding consumer mind space among primary target users for BOP insecticide.
A qualitative research design as Focus Groups was employed to obtain  information from the Trade Owners about the attributes that they consider are relevant and they expect to receive from the producers of beverages in general such as carbonated sodas, juices, bottled water or RTD’s and other categories.
A multi-disciplinary marine and environmental research organization. A quantitative research design was employed to determine the level of awareness and knowledge levels of resident public, fishers and divers on the Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Trinidad and Tobago.


A qualitative research design as Focus Groups was employed to investigate into attributes for brand image and Branch Representatives. There was also concern on Scotiabank Trinidad’s low ranking on internal studies done on unaided advertising and high association of the bank’s advertisement to other competitor bank brands.
A qualitative research design as Focus Groups was employed to investigate personal and professional needs and wants simultaneously with banking preferences as they pertain to a Professional Club membership program and aligning it with the current needs and wants of the target, young professionals.
A quantitative research design as intercepts among customers to seek customer feedback on and measure the overall customer service delivery at the bank’s Revenue Generating Units.
A provider of group insurance and other financial services to credit unions. A quantitative and qualitative research design as Focus Groups was employed to clearly identifying the brand DNA of the Mutual Group brand and how it is perceived both internally and externally among its existing consumers and the Credit Union industry. Concomitant was the need to clearly identify the Caribbean market brand triggers for successfully motivating Credit Union consumer activity via advertising campaigns.


Quantitative and Qualitative research designes were employed to gather data on consumer preferences for Mobile, Pay TV and Broadband service products and sales packages.
Quantitative and qualitative research designes were employed to determine the competitive differentiators on brand and consumer Pay TV needs and expectations.
A quantitative research design was employed to investigate the levels insurance subscribers’ awareness on the insurance entity’s advertising campaign, service offerings and consequently, added value service features. The study explored mind share within the frame work of brand awareness, website and social media awareness, product and services awareness and user prioritization of added value features.
A qualitative research design was employed to investigate target audience’s perception of given television commercials.